Is Canada Welcoming Immigrants - Immigration Lawyer Toronto

 A common question posed by potential immigrants is: is Canada welcoming to immigrants? Canada has long praised its economic immigration system as a model for other nations. The majority of economic immigrants enter through federal high-skilled worker programs. Under this program, many applicants are considered based on a point system, which gives preference to those with younger age, high education, and experience. Bilingual candidates are often given an advantage over those who lack these qualifications. In addition, the application process for permanent residency includes biometric screening and language testing, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Applicants typically receive a decision on their applications within six months.

An immigration lawyer can assist you in navigating the complex Canadian immigration system. These lawyers have vast experience and training in all facets of immigration law and are able to synthesize Canadian laws. Because there are so many streams of immigration, the laws are often complex, and lawyers are uniquely qualified to explain them in a language that you can understand. The lawyers at immigration law firms can help you navigate this complex system with an ease and efficiency.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has implemented a system with heightened entry requirements. However, these requirements are being applied inconsistently. For example, Liz Uihlein, co-owner of a Wisconsin shipping supply company, was granted a special exemption from mandatory quarantine. She flew to Toronto on her private jet and visited her company's offices and warehouse. American CEO Craig Jelinek was also granted a special exemption from the mandatory quarantine requirements.


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