Spouse and Family Sponsorship to Canada

 You may be wondering if you can sponsor your family members for permanent residence in Canada. While you can sponsor your relatives, you must also meet certain criteria in order to be considered a suitable sponsor. These include: being a permanent resident or citizen of Canada, being at least 18 years old, and meeting certain income requirements. There are many benefits to sponsoring your family members to come to Canada. The application process is not difficult, but you should contact an Immigration Lawyer Toronto for more information.

If you are a Canadian citizen, you can sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner, as well as your dependent children and grandchildren. However, the main objective of the relationship should be for reunification, not immigration. Marriage, common-law relationships, and conjugal partnerships are acceptable, as long as both partners have been together emotionally for 12 months. Your spouse or conjugal partner must have no criminal convictions, nor have they been incarcerated.

During the application process, your spouse and children must provide proof that they are indeed married. This can be in the form of travel documents, or evidence of electronic communication. Failure to provide Schedule A can result in your spousal sponsorship application being rejected. The Immigration Lawyer Toronto can help you overcome any such obstacles. This guide will help you to become a permanent resident of Canada. It is essential to retain an Immigration Lawyer Toronto to ensure your family's immigration status.


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